Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Devils Lies

    To start off I would like to say sorry for the delay for the past few weeks, I have been trying to think of what to say. This past weekend I attended Hearts on Fire which was an amazing experience, one of the speakers talked about lies and the most common lies so that inspired to me to write this today. Today I will help you put the devils lies to rest.
     Lies. Do we believe them? Yes we do, we believe the lies that originated from the devil. We believe when we accept them. We believe the lie when the devil tells us that we are worthless, and we will never amount to anything. He tells us that we are ugly and no one wants us and that we will always be alone, but that’s always a lie because God is always with us.
    The bible says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
    The most common lie that I hear from teenager and adults today is that they are ugly. We need to stop and think  every time that we put our selves down and only point out our in perfections we are putting Gods creation and his works down telling him that he messed up. I struggled with this lie more times than I can count but someone told me to read the scripture from psalm 139, and that I needed to write it down on a sticky note and put it on a mirror so that every morning that I look at it and it will remind me that I am made in Gods image.
     The bible says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully ad wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:13-14
     Another lie is that we will never amount to anything, or that you will never be successful we will always loose. As long as we have God on our side we will never loose because in Gods eyes we will always be winners. In y opinion we will always win as long as we have Gods love and compassion and to know that we are saved and set free makes me feel like a winner.
   The bible says, "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57 
    These lies are just some of the few, but I do believe these are some of the most common or at least the most common ones that we have heard. The point of this post is to let you all know that no matter what lie the devil tells you, you have the power of God over you to help you put the lie to ease. Am I saying that it is easy no but it is easier with Gods love, compassion, help ,peace and power, because no matter what the devil will l never over power the Lord. This week I challenge you to share this message, and look in the mirror and make a change. This message could change someone's life, God could change someone's life through this message.
    Thank you for reading and please go and follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
    Facebook: @CatchingFaith