Thursday, April 15, 2021


     Today I am going to be obedient and I am going to start this off differently. I am going to pray for everyone who is reading this, because God lead you here today for a reason. 

    Father God I want to pray for each reader today. I ask that as they continue on you would speak to them personally. That you would help them to listen to you and to walk faithfully. That you would give them a peace in their lives like no other. That you would clam the storm in the hearts that have felt overwhelmed and broken for so long. I pray today that every person would show kindness as you show them and embrace them with your unconditional love. 

    As I was in my personal journaling time this morning I began to recall a conversation that I had yesterday with my best friend, and I began to really think about it. And some of the things that God placed on my heart I think so many people need to hear today and not just a pice of paper. The conversation was about how we try so hard as children to be the perfect child. To please our parent. But at the end of the day we still never feel like we are a good enough child. Like we never find satisfaction in what we do. I really began to think about this and how true it is. But then God spoke to me, he said what about me child. What about the way we seek after my approval or the way that you seek after me. So today I want you to truly stop and ask yourself do we do the same for our heavenly Father.

    If we really sit back and look at it, It's almost as if we chase after the approval of the world and others to find our self worth before we go to God. And when we look at this it brings us back to getting our priorities straight. When going to God and seeking after him has come to be our last resort is when we all need to step back and reexamine what our priorities are. 

Gods word tells us,   

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33 NIV 

"But Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, “First seek the counsel of the Lord.”" 1 Kings 22:5 NIV

    Here are a few pieces of scripture that show us to seek God and to seek his counsel FIRST. To seek God first above everything. when we do choose to take a step back and examine your priorities we need to make sure that God and his work and will are number one on our list. Because I want you to remember that God is not second place. God is the beginning and the end, he was one who formed you and gave you life. The one who gives you breath in your lungs each second of everyday, The one who makes your heart beat. He is the one who game his son to die for you so that you could be free and have eternal life with him. And we are giving him second place. Today I want to challenge you to give God First place in your life. Seek him first today.

    Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey today. I hope you all have a blessed day!