Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Refuge •

     Have you ever felt like you are under attack? Almost as if you are walking through a battle field, and everyone is lined up to take a shot at you. If you make one wrong move it's all over. 

     I can relate to this feeling so much. I feel like as long as I follow God and the paths that he has laid before me that everything will be ok.  But I also thought that there will be no one lined up to take that shot at me. But I was wrong, I feel like there will always be someone or something that the devil will try to put in my way, a distraction, or maybe even someone to hurt me or stop me.Then I came to the realization that no matter who is lined up on that battle field as a child of God I will always have protection and security.

    In psalms chapter thirty six verse seven, it shows us how unfailing God's love is. How there is refuge found in the shadow of God's wings. 

"How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings". Psalm 36:7 NIV

     There is a song "Safe in your arms", by Josh Baldwin and in the song he says, "And the only shadow I see, is the shadow of your wings. And the only shadow of your wings,"  This song has so much power behind it. There has never been a time that I can remember that God has not embraced me with the comfort and protection of his wings. This shows Gods unfailing love. 

    In Psalm chapter seventy-one verse three, it tells us that God is our constant refuge. A refuge and safe place in which we can always go. 

"Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me , for you're my rock and my fortress'. Psalm71:3 NIV 

     Again in Psalm ninety-one verse four,God will cover us with his feathers. And under his wings we can refuge and security. Because Gods faithfulness will be our shield. God is my shield. I have confidence in knowing that I am embraced and protected. 

"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart". Psalm 91:4 NIV

    Sometimes when you are running through the battle field we get lost in what is happening, it becomes hard to see that God is right there with us. 

    For me personally I run and I am too focused on what others are doing to me and what I am going through that I tend to ignore what my loving and unfailing father is doing for me. I shift my focus to self during the war instead of focusing on God. But still through it all God remains my constant protection and refuge on the battle field. 

    It's time to shift my focus off of myself and back on to God. Because through the battle I was not alone there were others who needed to know who was protecting me. Who's wings I was taking refuge under. There were casualties that I did not see because I was so focused on myself, and not trusting in and focused on God. Ask yourself today what are you focused on and who are you trusting in  through your battle field.