Sunday, September 30, 2018

God‘s beautiful creation

   Hello everyone I would like to apologize for the delay on the post I have been sick and very busy. I would also like to say that I will be trying my best to post every Sunday afternoon.
   Today we will be talking about how we are not all perfect,we all have our flaws even though we might not want admit it. Thinking that we are perfect and that there perfect people out there can hold us back from being bold in our faith with Christ. A good analogy that I think is very true is that we are all like clay and God is our potter. He built us out of nothing but a blob of dirt and he sculpted us and let us dry. And when we sin we were chipped,but God forgave us and molded us back and when we are out in the world trying to be bold in Christ people put us down and chip us.
    When you are walking through a store buying things  and you see a piece of pottery that is chipped most people would think that is messed up and broken but God would think that it was beautifuly broken and that is how he sees us. He does not see us as damaged goods not worth anything he sees us as something that is hurt and could be fixed he sees us as beautifully broken people.
     The scripture Jeremiah 18:6 says “O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith Jehovah. Behold, as the clay in the potter’s hand, so are ye in my hand, O house of Israel.” Which means that we thinks of us as clay and he can always help and fix us he is there for us to remold us.
    Some more scripture that I have found is “But now, O Jehovah, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”  Isaiah‬ ‭64:8‬. This passage tells of the people telling our father that we want him to be our potter and rebuild us, so that we can work out of his hand.
     One more verse is “Behold, I am toward God even as thou art: I also am formed out of the clay.”
‭‭Job‬ ‭33:6. This is proof that we were all formed in the same way from the same material,and by the same person.
      So why? Why do people judge people by there imperfections. Why do we look down on people God’s own creation. We may all look perfect from the outside but we are all broken on the inside and the lord our father says that we are all beautifully broken. We don’t realize that some of the people that break us down and chip us are some of the people that are going through the same things as us, Christians. Why do we do this to other people, because it makes us feel better about ourselves but what we don’t realize is we make other people feel badly about themselves and that is not what a Christian, Gods child, is supposed to do.
       When you go through this week we need to think about our actions what we do and how we make people feel. Are we tearing people down to make ourselves feel better or are we building people up so that we can make ourselves feel better the right way. We have to remind ourselves to treat people the way that we want to be treated, and remember that we are not the only people who have feelings and no one is perfect inside or out. So we have to stop picking at peoples imperfections and start building people up for the good things about them just as Jesus would do. So when you are stuck ask yourself WWJD?

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