Sunday, September 16, 2018


     Welcome to my new blog! First I want to start off by thanking everyone who is joining me and reading the daily struggles of living the life of a teenage Christian, and how the Bible can help us through it. Secondly I want tell you a little more about me and why I wanted to start this blog.
      To start off my name is Ashlee Hill, I have been a Christian for 2 years now and I have struggled with things just like everyone else has, but that has only made my relationship with Christ stronger. Am I saying that living your life as a professed Christian is easy.. Oh no, if anything it is harder. What I am saying is that when you do have a hard time and struggle you can give it to God and he will make it easier.
       One thing that I will share is my testimony, because I believe you guys can really get to know me through it. Growing up in church my whole life I thought that all I had to do was say a prayer and I would go to heaven. So I did I prayed and it meant nothing to me. When my family and I moved churches my older brother went up to the alter to pray and so I thought oh he is older he knows what he is doing so I followed him and when he said that he had gotten saved I thought ok so I said that I did also, and again it meant nothing. A few years latter my friends from my church had kept asking me to go to camp jubilee with them and they kept asking me until finally one day I gave in and said yes. Our third day up their we were in morning bible study in the chapel on the hill and we where all asked to share our testimonies and I waited last so I had to share mine the next day. The whole rest of the day I spent my time rehearsing what I would say until it was evening worship. when brother Mark was done preaching we went into invitation and all of the sudden I looked down and I was literally griping the pew. So I asked my youth leader Melissa if I could talk to her when we had gotten outside she had asked me what was going on I told her that I did not know and that is when she told me something that I will never forget she said, "that her God is not a confusing God". That night on July 13th I accepted Christ as my lord and savoir and I will never forget that feeling. After we got back it was like the world just hit me and I have struggled ever sense that day but my lord and savior has made my life worth it.
         That is my testimony and I hope that you have taken something away form this or that you share this with someone. I ask everyone who reads this to please send this link to a friend or family member that needs to read and see this. Also I would love to hear all of your testimonies, please feel to share them.

Verse of the day: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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